Safe Space
Piotr Kolasinski Piotr Kolasinski

Safe Space

I see them all the time. I do not know them, but I recognize all moves and gestures.
Quick reach into the pocket, as if the keys they grab are the ones leading to freedom…

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Piotr Kolasinski Piotr Kolasinski


Flower, thou shine so bright,
can I stay here? For a while?
Just a day, maybe two...

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Piotr Kolasinski Piotr Kolasinski


I have met a healer.
‘Have you ever felt strong? Fearless?’ - she asked. ‘No?’
‘Then pin your gaze to the horizon.’ – she said. ‘And start walking…

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Fresh Start
Piotr Kolasinski Piotr Kolasinski

Fresh Start

Every time you think you start fresh, you actually go back to point zero.
You start running the same path over, and over again.
You run like mad on this Platonian treadmill gazing in a hologram of life they want you to buy…

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Memento Mori
Piotr Kolasinski Piotr Kolasinski

Memento Mori

Amongst the dead I walk,
searching for a peace of mind.
Amongst the dead, who as I
used to dream and laugh…

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On Art
Piotr Kolasinski Piotr Kolasinski

On Art

Art is a physical recording of creator’s emotions.
It’s a multisensory language where no word is needed.

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Piotr Kolasinski Piotr Kolasinski


I don’t need a pseudonym.
My parents gave me one when I was born.
It’s my name. I am not my name...

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Piotr Kolasinski Piotr Kolasinski


I saw her.
She just passed by me.
I saw her black cape, as I was laying down…

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